Especially among the global poor, this has compounding ramifications, from girls’ access to education to the increased risk of early and forced marriage, gender-based violence and unwanted pregnancies. Girls in African countries like Ethiopia and Somalia that rely heavily on Ukrainian wheat have been particularly hard hit. We saw a similar media fascination with female combatants in the battle against the Islamic State, where media reports focused on women in the Kurdish Peshmerga who again made up a small minority of combatants. This obsession with pretty young women in fatigues is skewing our understanding of women’s important roles in armed conflict. UN Women is committed to supporting the people of Ukraine, especially the women and girls, at this time of greatest need. Borovyk is the head of Alliance “New Energy of Ukraine,” a nonprofit working on energy effectiveness, but has been serving in counterintelligence for Ukraine since Russia launched its invasion. He says he recognized the need for more women drone pilots months ago after struggling to help a friend who was looking to get in contact with a female drone pilot for a feminist organization in the United Kingdom.

foreign girls for marriage

The founders of Mamo pracuj launched a programme specifically for Ukrainian women seeking jobs in Poland shortly after the outbreak of the war in February. I saw women with children arriving at the railway station and we wanted to do for them what we already do best for Polish women, which is to help them find their competencies ’ recalled Marcelina Palka, a project co-ordinator.

  • Poberezhnyk and her colleagues started a union in September 2021 to fight for recognition and the rights of domestic care workers.
  • ‘I was getting fellow workers out of trouble when their employers didn’t want to pay or took away their passports,’ she said.
  • Whole sectors like construction depended on Ukrainian migrants,’ said the analyst Zbigniew Gajewski, in a panel organised by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung on the impact of Ukrainian refugees on the Polish labour market earlier this year.
  • Lack of access to social services including schools and strained community resources have increased the care burden of local women who responsible for the care for children, disabled and elderly family members.
  • Yulia Tymoshenko is the most well-known Ukrainian woman politician and was listed third on Forbes’ most powerful women in 2005, according to Matsenyuk.
  • They organize transport to take the displaced to safety in neighbouring countries, and female psychologists are providing mental health counselling after the First Lady, Olena Zelenska, launched a programme of psycho-social support with UN agencies.

Almost all of this goes to the military, primarily to female personnel, Kharchenko said. Spain’s new approach, which Salvoni calls a kind of “gender pact” — where consent to sex and thus rape are redefined — exemplifies this rethinking, he said. In contrast, what is known as the “Nordic model” — in which the purchase of sex is criminalised, but not the sex workers themselves — leads to easier prosecution of traffickers and their clientele. “If all men stopped buying sex tomorrow, sexual exploitation wouldn’t exist,” Salvoni says. Shortly after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began last February, in one office in Vienna, alarms went off.

Female skills

Some analysts warn against assuming that the photographs and videos in the news and on social media showing women on the front lines means that they enjoy equality with the men they serve beside. Ukraine is a country with strong patriarchal traditions, especially in the defence sector.

‘Not treated like humans’: Ukrainian women on Russian captivity

There are also questions about whether the stored wheat has spoiled without proper ventilation. In the country’s fertile south, which is often hailed as the breadbasket of Europe, they have been crucial in looking after livestock and working the land.

First League laureates

The surge of female soldiers is so new that Ukraine’s military still doesn’t have standard uniforms for women — meaning they’re often handed ill-fitting men’s clothes. The snipers’ training sessions have been designed by a taciturn commanding officer going by the nom de guerre of “Deputy”, the only biographical detail he offers. Aside from shooting practice, Deputy’s sessions include lessons on tactics, ballistics and movement.

In July, Israel introduced yet another obstacle to earning a living for those from Ukraine — a geographical limitation on where they can work. Unless they work in construction, agriculture, institutional nursing or the hotel industry, they are now banned from working in 17 cities, including major centers such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Given that most Ukrainians find housing close to family, relatives or friends, this is a serious problem, says Ben-Dor. Marina tried to run away once and seek help from a lawyer, “but he charged me NIS 1,000 ($285) and then disappeared.” She had no choice but to go back to Amir, who she says provides such jobs for dozens of other Ukrainian refugees. All Ukrainians living in Israel, including those who arrived before the war, are protected from expulsion — a right that has been renewed on a month-by-month basis by the interior minister. Instead, upon arrival, Amir placed Marina in a room shared with another woman in a cramped apartment covered with mold and fungus that also housed two other families. He told her she would work two five-hour cleaning shifts per day, every day.

At a time when men between 18 and 60 were banned from leaving the country, these women delivered President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s request for military hardware and humanitarian assistance. UNFPA urgently needs flexible financing to scale up its operations in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. Most urgently UNFPA needs financing to provide essential medical supplies and deploy further trained personnel to deliver life-saving services.